World Music Press Multicultural Lessons

This groundbreaking series is straightforward and designed for today's music teacher. Each lesson is built around a representative song from a specific culture around the world. The files include a map, a narrative about the culture, the music notation for the song, activities, dances, or other lesson extensions for the song, and an MP3 with a recording of the song sung from within the culture. Our first three offerings are taken from the acclaimed book Roots & Branches and are from cultures within the U.S.

Uncle Jessie - Georgia Sea Islands

A rhythmic sing and stomp song also ideal for the "Ring Game" which is detailed with it.

Bonjour, Mes Amis - Cajun

This great song about friendship comes with a nice translation and a detailed phonetic guide to the French/Cajun lyrics.

San Serení - New Mexico - Traditional Spanish Folk Song

Long a children's favorite, this song has students singing about a number of professions, complete with a singing game that has them following a leader who acts out each job.

Uncle Jessie - World Music Press Multicultural Lesson - Downloadable Single
Downloadable PDF and demo MP3: 11MB
Bonjour, Mes Amis - World Music Press Multicultural Lesson - Downloadable Single
Downloadable PDF and demo MP3: 11.1MB
San Serení - World Music Press Multicultural Lesson - Downloadable Single
Downloadable PDF and demo MP3:13.5MB
All Three Downloadable Singles - World Music Press Multicultural Lessons
(Uncle Jessie; Bonjour, Mes Amis; and San Serení) Downloadable demo MP3s and PDFs: 35.6MB
Song Title
Uncle Jessie
Bonjour, Mes Amis
San Serení